Movement is not exercise, but exercise is movement’ Joanne Elphinston

Clinical Rehabilitation for the sports person, again considers a client’s individual issues and needs from a holistic, integrated and functional perspective within the activity they perform and take part in; as a whole person not as a symptom or a group of symptoms.

Again, asking the questions like;

“Why is this structure under pressure?”

“What does their brain think is happening?”

“Where are the forces being initiated, transmitted and used within their bodies?”

In Movement / Sports Therapy, as with all my clients, I provide personalised feedback for them after each appointment, which includes details of the ‘hows and whys’ of what was discovered and an exercise programme where appropriate, so their training and performances will be safe and produce results

In sport and activity, evidence based findings from biomechanics, sports psychology and physiology help support the movement principles and exercise ideas which can lead to better performance goals, help reduce the risk of injury and the rate of injury and, to recover well if one is sustained.

As a JEMS Practitioner,  I work with the clients to help them become more efficient, fluid performers who can better create forces, direct and collect these forces, in order to gain better results, fulfil performance outcomes and reduce injury.

Improved quality and quantity of training

Massage can improve circulation, improve rest periods, can increase knowledge and awareness for stretching, warm-up and cool down.

JEMS can improve the quality, the quantity and effectiveness of training to be able to train for longer and with less fatigue

Injury prevention

Regular massage can highlight potential problems in soft tissues and help to modify training programmes appropriately.

Being a JEMS Practitioner I can help client’s manage the forces they create, the forces they have to work with or which are placed upon them, in order to reduce the risk of injury and the rates of injury occurrence.

Improved performance

Massage can help fine tune a training programme, allow the sports person to work closely with the therapist, promote flexibility, mobility and release tension, help prepare the sports person for performance through pre-event massage and can help speed up recovery, reducing tissue damage.

My JEMS training, together with my MSc in Sports and Exercise Science helps me explain and devise programmes to enhance and build efficient movement. This allows the client to be focussed on the strategy of play safely, rather than the process of performance. Together, the client and I will aim to address to their performance goals; physical and psychological, with the outcome of having the results they want.

Improved self awareness

Massage can help inform the sports person and allow them to monitor their own condition during their preparation, performance and cool down.

JEMS  in self awareness is about self regulation, self support, how the mind and body work together working to towards achieving the best performance possible.